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  • Book chapter, “Accurate and Scalable System for Automatic Detection of Malignant Melanoma”, in Dermoscopy Image Analysis, M. Abedini, Q. Chen, N. C. F. Codella, R. Garnavi, X. Sun,  Editors (M. E. Celebi, T. Mendonca, J. S. Marques, eds.), CRC Press, 2015.”

  •  " Classification of Pima Indian Diabetes Dataset using Ensemble of Decision Tree, Logistic Regression and Neural Network ", M Abedini, A Bijari, T Banirostam. International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), July/2020 V9, Issue 7. [paper]

  • "Investigating deep side layers for skin lesion segmentation", B Bozorgtabar, Z Ge, R Chakravorty, M Abedini, S Demyanov, R Garnavi. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017), 2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium.

  • "Exploiting local and generic features for accurate skin lesions classification using clinical and dermoscopy imaging", Z Ge, S Demyanov, B Bozorgtabar, M Abedini, R Chakravorty, A Bowling. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2017), 2017 IEEE 14th International Symposium.

  • "Sparse coding based skin lesion segmentation using dynamic rule-based refinement", B B Bozorgtabar, M Abedini, R Garnavi. International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, 254-261.

  • "Multi-scale classification based lesion segmentation for dermoscopic images", M Abedini, N Codella, R Chakravorty, R Garnavi, D Gutman, B Helba,. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE.

  • "Dermatologist-like feature extraction from skin lesion for improved asymmetry classification in PH 2 database", R Chakravorty, S Liang, M Abedini, R Garnavi,. Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2016 IEEE.

  • "Classification of dermoscopy patterns using deep convolutional neural networks", S Demyanov, R Chakravorty, M Abedini, A Halpern, R Garnavi,. Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 2016 IEEE 13th International Symposium on, 364-368.

  • "High performance computing enabling exhaustive analysis of higher order single nucleotide polymorphism interaction in Genome Wide Association Studies", B Goudey, M Abedini, JL Hopper, M Inouye, E Makalic, et al. . Health information science and systems 3 (S1), S3.

  • "Deep learning, sparse coding, and SVM for melanoma recognition in dermoscopy images", N Codella, J Cai, M Abedini, R Garnavi, A Halpern, JR Smith. International Workshop on Machine Learning in Medical Imaging, 118-126.

  • "A generalized framework for medical image classification and recognition", M. Abedini, N. Codella, J. Connell, R. Garnavi, M. Merler, S. Pankanti, J. R. Smith, and T. Syeda-Mahmood. IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol. 59, no. 2/3 2015.

  • “High performance computing enabling exhaustive analysis of higher order single nucleotide polymorphism interaction in Genome Wide Association Studies”, Benjamin Goudey, Mani Abedini, John L Hopper, Michael Inouye, Enes Makalic, Daniel F Schmidt, John Wagner, Zeyu Zhou, Justin Zobel and Matthias Reumann, Health Information Science and Systems (Health Information Science and Systems 2015).

  • “IBM research Australia at lifeclef2014: Plant identification task”, Working notes of CLEF 2014, Qiang Chen, Mani Abedini, Rahil Garnavi, Xi Liang

  • “IBM Research at ImageCLEF 2013 Medical Tasks” , American Medical Informatics Association, Mani Abedini, Liangliang Cao, Noel Codella, Jonathan H. Connell, Rahil Garnavi, Amir Geva, Michele Merler, Quoc-Bao Nguyen, Sharathchandra U. Pankanti, John R. Smith, Xingzhi Sun, and Asaf Tzadok, 2013

  • “High performance computing enabling exhaustive analysis of higher order single nucleotide polymorphism interaction in Genome Wide Association Studies” , Benjamin Goudey, Mani Abedini, John L Hopper, Michael Inouye, Enes Makalic, Daniel F Schmidt, John Wagner, Zeyu Zhou, Justin Zobel and Matthias Reumann, HISA 2013

  • “Incorporating feature ranking and evolutionary methods for the classification of high-dimensional DNA microarray gene expression data”, Mani Abedini, Michael Kirley and Raymond Chiong, Australas Medical Journal, Vol 6(5) 2013 , pp 272–279s

  • "GPU-accelerated eXtended Classifier System", Mani Abedini, Michael Kirley, Raymond Chiong and T. Weise, Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining (CIDM 2013), Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, April 2013, pp. 299-306, Singapore. ISBN 978-1-4673-5895-8.,

  • “An enhanced XCS rule discovery module using feature ranking”, Mani Abedini and Michael Kirley, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics , Vol 2012 , Springer Berlin/Heidelberg,

  • “FS-XCS vs. GRD-XCS: An analysis using high-dimensional DNA microarray gene expression data sets”,  Mani Abedini and Michasel Kirley, Raymond Chiong,  Second Australian Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Health (AIH 2012)

  • “Guided rule discovery in XCS for High-dimensional Classification Problems”. Abedini, M and Kirley, M. Proceedings of 24th Australasian Artificial Intelligence Conference, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence.”, 2011

  • “Gene Expression Classification with a novel coevolutionary based learning classifier system on Public Clouds”, Christian Vecchiola, Mani Abedini, Michael Kirley, Xingchen Chu, and Rajkumar Buyya, IEEE e-science 2010 workshop of “Parallel Optimization and Parameter Fitting” .

  • “A multiple population XCS: Evolving condition-action rules based on feature space partitions”, Mani Abedini and Michael Kirley, IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence - CEC 2010: 471-478.

  • “CoXCS: a coevolutionary learning classifier based on feature space partitioning”, Mani Abedini and Michael Kirley, Australasian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2009: 360-369.

  • “Using data mining and Genetic fuzzy systems technique in order to predict cash flow in financial institutes and Banks”, 10’th annual conference of Computer Society of Iran , January 2004

  • “Using Cresceptron neural network for Farsi character recognition”, Negasht- Journal of Computer Society of Iran , Vol 5 , Feb 2002       

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